Overseer Dr. Everett Silver, Sr.
Missionary Kendra M. Silver, 1st Lady
Join us for any of our service times. We are a powerful house preparing for the Kingdom. As Pastor of Dunimus Outreach Ministries, I welcome you to this power-filled ministry, the DOME (dunimus outreach ministries edifice) we call it. Come experience the Power!!!!!!

Our Location (The DOME)
105 Henry Street, Rocky Mount, NC 27803. Church is right off s. church street and turn left onto henry street. church will be on the right.
10:00 am Sunday School
10:15am new members/leadership class
11:00am morning worship Live Stream on Facebook and ww.ustream.tv/channel/everett-silver-ministries
Prayer 6:30 pm Church & conference prayer 667-770-1557 with access code 562008
Wednesdays Pastoral empowerment @ 6:30pm Live Stream on Facebook Live www.ustream.tv/channel/everett-silver-ministries
1st Sundays Communion Sunday

​1st Sundays of the month Men's Ministry
2nd Fridays of the month Couples/Singles Ministry 7pm
2nd Fridays of the month Youth Ministry
2nd Sundays Leadership mtg 4pm
3rd Sundays of the month Women's Ministry
4th Sundays Pastoral Services
NEO Covenant Ministries:
Overseer Everett Silver, Sr.
Dunimus Outreach Ministries
Pastor Thomas Johnson
From Faith To Faith Ministries
Pastor Michael Pugh
City of Hope- Wilson

Come Experience The Power!
We are a power house preparing for the kingdom!!!
*Children's Church at every service
*Youth Ministry
*Couples Ministry
*Singles Ministry
*Women Ministry
*Men Ministry
*Leadership Training
*Auxiliaries In Ministry
Registration for:
Power Kidz Zone
(After School Care & Summer Programs)
call to enroll you child:
Drica Bellamy, Director
252-406-6285 for Info.
*Transportation provided from schools but please schedule in advance.
Our Staff:
Everett Silver, Sr.- Senior Pastor/CEO/Founder
Kendra M. Silver- 1st Lady/COO/Women Dept.
Kayla J. Silver-Church Secretary
Thomas Johnson- Assistant Pastor
Ada Ruffin-Accountant/CPA
Pastor Silver/Outreach Team-Evangelism
Evan Silver-Media Ministry/Adjutant
Betty Johnson-Sunday School
Ilene Silver-Eternal Church Mother
Brenda Thorne-Church Mother
Lynwood Silver-Deacon Chairman
Johnny Johnson-Asst. Deacon Chairman
Evangelist Norine Flowers-Pastor's Aide
Kevin Farmer-Minister of Music
Drica Bellamy-Youth Leader
Tre'Nayah Battle-Dance Ministry
Tina Makle-Usher Board President
Steven Batchelor-Security
Everett Silver, Jr.-Media Ministry/Drummer

Powerful Worship Experience!
Our worship experience every sunday causes one to have an Epiphany!!!!! A God encounter after being ushered into His presence by our awesome praise team. Afterwhich, an illuminated WORD by our Pastor Everett Silver, Sr. as he delivers the biblical truths with power. Come with Samuels ear which is alive and quick to hear what the spirit of the Lord has to say to empower you. Come see for yourself. Come experience the Power!!!
Dunimus 2024 Calendar:
January 28 New Years Revival Virtual
February 09 Black & White Ball
March 17 Spiritual Warfare Conference
May 12 Day Women's Day
June 15 Men's Conference
June 16 Men's Day
July 3 1st Lady Birthday
July 20 Youth Explosion
August 13 Pastor Silver Birthday
August 17-18 Women's Conference
September 21 Music & Arts Workshop
October 20 21th Church/Pastor Anniversary
October 27 Worship In Pink
November 3 1st Holy Gathering
November 17 Power of Giving Service
December 9-13 Toys for Tots
December 20th Youth Christmas Party
December 31 Power of Freedom Eve Night